User-Generated Video Content Ups Your Credibility

Have you thought about adding video to your marketing? What about the idea of your users and clients making the video for you? Video can be very impactful, and is a great way to turn what could be a boring section of your site into something fresh and exciting for your visitors. Why have people land on a review page and have to read all of them, when they could hit play and have your current customers praise you! The impact that hearing the joy and happiness in the voice of a customer can sell your product better than any promo piece you put out.

The value of user created video and what you can do with it is limitless. And the impact it can have for such a low cost on the investment time is amazing. Have you thought about user created videos becoming a part of your marketing plan?

In the past few years, videos have started taking over—and it’s easy to see why. They stimulate both the visual and auditory senses while packing a wealth of information into a short span of time. Videos are also very diverse in their application. From providing entertainment to educating to expressing your opinion to marketing a product, videos are a powerful tool.

Cy SearsUser-Generated Video Content Ups Your Credibility