Boost Your Local SEO

There’s no use in any inbound marketing techniques if you don’t have an audience to market to. That’s why SEO is a critical step in attracting new customers to your business. With SEO, you can attract traffic from relevant local searches. This will help all your other inbound marketing efforts, like social media marketing, blogging

SEO for Your Small Business

Getting found online can boost your business tremendously. But how do you market your business online? Well, there are many ways to do that, but one of the crucial parts in getting found online will require you to optimize your business website for search engines – a process called SEO. Search engines (such as Google)

Why SEO for your Business?

How will you reach your target customers? This is a question on the mind of every business owner. And while some marketing tactics are rather hit and miss, meaning you advertise to anyone out there hoping they’re the right people for your business to work with, there are marketing tactics out there that help you

Beef up the Local SEO for Your Nashville Business

It’s no secret that consumers spend more over the holidays. This means there’s never been a better time to invest in improving your local SEO. Not only will local online marketing help you reach more locals, if you live in any of the southern states, it could also help people who are visiting over the

The Ultimate List Of The 100 Most Common SEO Mistakes People Make

Are you starting up a website for your business, or have one but feel the SEO Needs improvement? This article lists 100 of the most common mistakes people have made when building their SEO. Search engine optimization is a fairly straightforward thing – all you need is high quality unique content and authority backlinks pointing

Take Full Advantage of Your Website

When you’re a professional, you need to look professional. Everything your business does – from the interior design at your location, to the manner in which you and your employees conduct yourselves – should show that you care about offering your customers value. Your professionalism (combined with effective branding) should help you stand out from

Make Google My Business Work for You

Google offers many tools to help users do everything from finding places to translating sentences. But if you’re a local business owner, Google My Business will stand out as a unique tool that can help you reach more customers and improve your SEO. If you’re a business owner and you don’t yet know what Google

Using Online Reviews For Reputation Management & Quality Control

Online reviews are indispensable in modern business. Many consumers place a high level of value on what reviewers tend to say about your brand. But unfortunately using online reviews isn't always as easy as placing a few flattering testimonials on your website.

Why Your Knoxville Business Needs Local SEO

In this modern world, the influence of technology in our everyday lives seems to be becoming more prevalent as time passes. Things that used to be done on paper (or in person), are now often being done digitally. While you can fight this revolution, it would be an absurd idea to think that things are

Google’s Update for Mobile-Friendly Websites

On April 21st Google unveiled their latest algorithm update that expands the application of "mobile-friendliness” to provide a ranking signal in conjunction with App Indexing, which does feature useful content from apps for signed-in users searching on mobile devices. Find out precisely what does this mean for your website when you're a Local Business?