Setting up your design for printing

Graphic Design and Printing go hand in hand. But a lot of times, as a small business owner, you find yourself taking on the role of a graphic designer in order to save some money, or you might be a new graphic designer starting out on your own and getting ready to send your first

6 Ways Print Marketing is Better than Digital!

For the past couple of years businesses in Nashville and all across the country have been pulling away from Print Marketing. Many have thought this was a sign that print was on the way out and digital would be the future, but small and large companies are learning print still has its place and can

Do you know how to talk to a designer?

Graphic designers and business owners often don’t look at things the same way. And this is great! It can add a lot to a project and give a business the creative edge that only a graphic artist can bring to the project. But often times business owners don’t speak the same language as a designer,