Why Responsive Website Design?

Your business website might look great on desktops. Perhaps it conveys your sense of professionalism perfectly. You might have even spent big bucks on your snazzy design. But with the rise of mobile, the way your business website looks will soon take a backseat to its mobile friendliness. That’s right – responsive design that’s optimized

Beef up the Local SEO for Your Nashville Business

It’s no secret that consumers spend more over the holidays. This means there’s never been a better time to invest in improving your local SEO. Not only will local online marketing help you reach more locals, if you live in any of the southern states, it could also help people who are visiting over the

Take Full Advantage of Your Website

When you’re a professional, you need to look professional. Everything your business does – from the interior design at your location, to the manner in which you and your employees conduct yourselves – should show that you care about offering your customers value. Your professionalism (combined with effective branding) should help you stand out from

Google’s Update for Mobile-Friendly Websites

On April 21st Google unveiled their latest algorithm update that expands the application of "mobile-friendliness” to provide a ranking signal in conjunction with App Indexing, which does feature useful content from apps for signed-in users searching on mobile devices. Find out precisely what does this mean for your website when you're a Local Business?

What Makes PROFESSIONAL Website Design Different?

The detail and thought that goes into creating a website that not only performs better but is more thoroughly tested and is also custom or not developed from another cookie cutter template system. As you read you will understand the...

Website Design is Alive and Well

I had an article linked to me on Facebook the other day (which you can read here.) that talks about how website design is ‘dead.’ It saddens me to see that this article is gaining traction on the social media circles and has some business owners buying the hype of the writer and making some

What Kim Kardashian can teach your small business!

The world is getting more and more mobile every day! Because of this, businesses and how they design their digital marketing needs to work with and be designed to interact in a mobile world. And, a nice perk is that website design and web apps built for this mobile world can make you a lot