You don’t need more website leads, just better website leads!

Here is a story for you all…feel free to skip ahead if you have heard it before or even lived through it…. A business is finally going online! It’s an exciting time for both new and old businesses alike, they spent a lot of time and hard earned money to craft what they feel is

Graphic Design & Printing help grow ECommerce

Take a moment and think about what your life would be like if you had to run all your marketing with handwritten communication only. Thankfully we don’t live in a world like that, digital marketing makes life so much easier, but print media is still essential in running a company that solely exists online. Wait!

What Kim Kardashian can teach your small business!

The world is getting more and more mobile every day! Because of this, businesses and how they design their digital marketing needs to work with and be designed to interact in a mobile world. And, a nice perk is that website design and web apps built for this mobile world can make you a lot

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) – Nashville

A lot of small business have become burnt out when it comes to SEO and SEM. This issue is not just here in Nashville. We talk to people all across the country and we here horror stories of how they paid thousands of dollars and got so few conversions, or how they had no idea what was being done, or why anything that was done in the first place. It has made many small business owners in Nashville and around the country feel like people who sell SEO and SEM are selling snake oil to them.

6 Ways To Make More Money Online!

1. It’s vital to show off your products in a manner that looks appealing and attractive to your customers. The use of E-Commerce with high resolution photos coupled with concise descriptions will help make a great impression! Call us today at Serious Inc.; we are proficient in internet marketing, website design, website redesign, and using