Best Knoxville Local SEO Company

If you run a local business, getting in online search results can boost your profitability significantly. The best part is that getting listed in local search results doesn’t have to be difficult. You simply need an online presence that’s been set up with the right information. There are a few things you can do to

How Much Should You Invest in Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a huge building block that will boost your online marketing campaign tremendously. But how much is content marketing really worth? What ROI can you expect from your marketing dollars spent on content? For business owners, establishing the value of content before making financial business decisions is vital. There’s no use forking large

Why SEO for your Business?

How will you reach your target customers? This is a question on the mind of every business owner. And while some marketing tactics are rather hit and miss, meaning you advertise to anyone out there hoping they’re the right people for your business to work with, there are marketing tactics out there that help you

Chattanooga Business: Perks Of Internet Marketing

Some of the world’s largest businesses put a substantial amount of effort into marketing their brand online. It’s safe to say that these businesses choose to invest in internet marketing because the ROI makes it worthwhile. But if your business operates locally in Chattanooga, you might be wondering if copying fortune 500 companies in your

Content Marketing for Boring Industries

Why Your Business Still Needs Good Content These days, business are investing more than ever in marketing themselves on the internet. Some business owners say that they can’t quite tell whether or not they’re getting any ROI from their content marketing strategy, but statistical data has shown that 74.2% of companies have reported getting more

5 Strategies for Boosting Engagement on Instagram

A recent update to Instagram’s feed sorting got marketers worried. A straight-forward chronological order will be replaced with Facebook-like algorithm that takes into account many social signals, including engagement and past likes to predict “relevancy” of posts. While the move evoked different sentiments, the fact remains that the algorithm change is unenviable and marketers will

Why it’s harming your link dev efforts

With all the available metrics provided by the amazingly helpful SEO tools that we have today, it’s easy to get a quick read on potential link-building prospects. However, you know you have a problem with metrics blindness when you do the following: You immediately pursue a link on a site based on its metrics. You

SMM Strategies for Startups

Money shouldn’t limit your marketing efforts, especially since growth in the early stages of startup life is so essential. There are lots of organic, effective, and free or cheap methods of reaching your audience on social media that you can turn to accelerate your growth. If your business is just starting out, social media is

As search changes, Google changes

Search is changing, it’s an ever evolving organism at this point and time. Searching means utilizing a wide range of interfaces, including GPS devices, wearables, smart objects such as Amazon Echo and operating systems such as iOS and Android. Oh, and we’re not just lounging on our sofas at home when we search. We’re searching

How to Use Twitter Retargeting Ads to Generate More Customers

In this age of marketing , it’s all about lead nurturing, meeting a client at some point in their buyer journey and helping them find the information they need and show them you’re at their side so when they are ready to buy you’re the one they will buy from. The most common way to