Real-time search algorithm updates may be bad news

SEOs will soon be able to stop worrying about when the next update will happen and focus their energies on more productive endeavors. Sites will be able to recover faster if something bad happens. Sites will be penalized faster for bad practices, and the search results will be better and cleaner than ever. The black hat tests will likely have positive results on the SEO community, giving us a greater understanding of the algorithms.

But as we adjust and as google adjusts to the new landscape that real time updates create, there is alot of possiabilites for it to go very wrong. This article from Search Engine Land does a great job at summoning them all up. How do you feel about the idea of updates happening in real time and having to focus on the here and now at any given second and not have any warning to when a change might hit you?

Google Panda and Penguin in real time might be bad for SEOs and business owners Every update of Panda and Penguin in recent years has brought joy to some SEOs and sorrow to others. As the algorithms become real-time, the job of an SEO will become harder, and I wonder if Google has really thought of the consequences of these updates.

Cy SearsReal-time search algorithm updates may be bad news