How to Successfully Promote Instagram

So you took an awesome photo. And you know it rocks…but now you need people to see it, comment on it, share it, and then keep you in mind the next time they want the awesome product or service you just took a photo of. But how do you go from the annoying business on

How to Choose the Best Social Media Site for Your Business

Social media…seems like every day there is a new buzz world, or platform people are all talking about. How do you know what one is the right one for your company? How do you pick out from the mass of options that one to focus your time and energy into in order to drive the

User-Generated Video Content Ups Your Credibility

Have you thought about adding video to your marketing? What about the idea of your users and clients making the video for you? Video can be very impactful, and is a great way to turn what could be a boring section of your site into something fresh and exciting for your visitors. Why have people