The Unwritten Rules of Social Media

Social media is hard! It’s not all cat videos and puppies, sometimes it’s a pain and requires alot of investment from you and your company for it to really work.

The goal of social media should be all about providing value to your target audience. There are no real shortcuts. In building your social profiles, you’ll need to exercise tremendous patience and energy. Commit to the long haul and you’re well on your way. Social media is all about the people over the product. Even when your selling something over social media it needs to be about the person buying it, the people making it, and the impact it has on other people more so then the product itself. This is a hard thing to pitch to C-level decsion makers at times, but lucky for those of us in social media marketing their are alot of great success stories we can point too! Some of them are pointed out in this great article by simply measured, along with some good principles to follow when launching any business into the world of social.

Establishing an effective social media presence for your business is no easy task. As any company currently receiving valuable engagement and referral traffic from social channels can likely tell you, regular exposure doesn’t happen overnight — it’s an uphill climb requiring adherence to various rules typically only learned via trial and error.

Cy SearsThe Unwritten Rules of Social Media