The real impact of Google’s new paid search ad layout on organic search

Google has been changing a lot when it comes to their search results. They are reworking the pages and pushing users to interact more and more with the content they want you to be interacting with. From the paid ads across the top, to the AMP pages, and the my business cards.

And while it is still too early to fully explore and see what these changes will have in lasting impact, it is causing some short term fear as those of us who eat, sleep, and breath SEO watch to see what changes and how users react to it so we can adjust accordingly.

We haven’t seen a major shift yet from the new changes to the google search results shifting more towards a mobile look and feel, have you? If you have we would love to hear what your experience has been and how your planning to deal with the changes from Google.

Over the years, the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) have changed a lot. Features like news, images, videos and the Knowledge Graph have impacted the display, sorting and order of SERPs, dramatically impacting organic listings. Recently, Google decided that paid search ads will no longer appear on the right-hand side of search results for desktop users globally, and up to four paid search results will appear at the top of the page (up from a maximum of three previously).

Cy SearsThe real impact of Google’s new paid search ad layout on organic search