How to Successfully Promote Instagram

So you took an awesome photo. And you know it rocks…but now you need people to see it, comment on it, share it, and then keep you in mind the next time they want the awesome product or service you just took a photo of. But how do you go from the annoying business on Instagram to the business everyone wants to share and hang out with?

Be yourself!

Seriously…don’t sell. It’s a photo, it’s all about show casing who you are, what your product/service is and how it can change the world around you or just brighten up someone’s day. Showing people your brands personality and values will carry you further then trying to drive people to your store through pictures of sales and store fronts. People on social media want to know the people behind the brand and see how they can relate and connect with you.

And much like twitter, hashtags are your friend! If you can get seen and be a part of active hashtag discussions easily it will help to drive more people to your page, and show off your business and photos all the better. Rule number one of Instagram marketing is always keep the personal and business accounts separate. As cute as your kid is, unless they are part of your marketing they aren’t going to help you sell your product.

Cy SearsHow to Successfully Promote Instagram