Big Changes Coming to Facebook

It’s that time of year again. Facebook is about to have its 8th conference going over the future of Facebook, and if it’s anything like last years…we are in for big changes! Last year we learned about the New Messenger Platform for Developers, Allowing Users to Connect Directly with Businesses on Messenger, Support of 360 Degree Videos, New Mobile Analytics Tool, How Facebook Paid Out More than $8B to Developers, and that More Than 30M Apps Have Been Made Using Facebook’s Platform.

So what does this year hold in store for business and Facebook going into 2016 and beyond?

According to director of platform product Deborah Liu, we’ll “hear from Mark about how Facebook is helping developers build, grow and monetize success, and where we’re headed in the future.”

Some of this year’s sessions to keep a close eye on include:

  • The Future of Video
  • Growth Marketing and how to keep an audience.
  • Best Practices for Advertising on Facebook and Instagram
  • and Ne Marketing APIs

Some of the big announcements expected to come out this year is new timelines for Instagram, the roll out of instant articles, Facebook Live, and messenger updates. It’s looking like an exciting year at Facebook ahead. Are you excited to see where things go? What are you looking forward to the most?

Read orginal article at Big Changes Coming to Facebook: Everything Marketers Need to Know About F8

Cy SearsBig Changes Coming to Facebook