In this age of marketing , it’s all about lead nurturing, meeting a client at some point in their buyer journey and helping them find the information they need and show them you’re at their side so when they are ready to buy you’re the one they will buy from. The most common way to do this is with a series of well-timed, relevant emails to a perfectly segmented audience.
But with twitter and retargeting your tweets you can use have the same outcome without having an email to target with. Twitter gives you access to what people like, share, and talk about. Targeting those users and then redirecting them to relevant content is a great way to get yourself involved in the conversation going on and better interact with the people most likely to use your product.
But when you’re using twitter to do this you need to rethink how you’re going to convert these people into actual leads. Hubspot has put out a great article about how they found success reworking their funnel to fit the mobile first nature of twitter. And it’s a great place to look for ideas if you notice your mobile funnel isn’t working as well as your desktop is. A lot of the ideas they put forth for twitter could apply to any mobile first platform, and be tweaked to see success.
Click here to read orginal article at How to Use Twitter Retargeting Ads to Generate More Customers