Where Will SEO Go This Year?

A new year, often brings new ideas and new challenges to the world of SEO. What does 2016 have in store for your business and the world of internet marketing? Well things are looking to change a bit this year. With the rise of social search, local search and mobile growth, and with the divide growing between insights & content it should be quite a year of growth for SEO and matuarity in the industry as a whole. Search Engine Land has given a great top 5 list of things that look to be changing in 2016 in the world of SEO, give it a read and let us know if you agree or disagree with where they see things headed this year.

In the world of SEO, 2015 was relatively quiet. Sure, search marketers had a plethora of algorithm updates, constantly evolving snippets, instant answers and ever-changing metrics to contend with, but SEO practitioners are used to that pace of change.

Cy SearsWhere Will SEO Go This Year?