How to Build a Content Conversion Funnel

You get inbound traffic from a ton of sources online. The question is what to do with it once they are there? When you create a piece of content, you need to think past someone just reading it. You need to build next steps from them. Weather it is downloading an e-book, or signing up for email. If one avenue doesn’t get them draw them back in with another post they might enjoy and retarget them to another avenue for a conversion like a Facebook like or twitter follow that is much lower commitment on their part.

Some sales funnels are very aggressive with many steps in them and many different types of offers. But don’t be put off, you don’t need to be that aggressive. You just need to find items people want, and present it in way that allows them to get what they want, and you a piece of information about them to keep marketing and moving them through your funnel.

You know how much hard work it is creating content, don’t you? Well… for all that hard work, you need to get some rewards for doing it! This is where a content conversion funnel comes in. A content conversion funnel is where you share a piece of content that gets attention from your potential audience and then you lead them down a path to a potential sale.

Cy SearsHow to Build a Content Conversion Funnel