Google unveils Google Analytics 360 Suite with a new DMP, landing page testing tool and more

Another day in the world of SEO and another new thing from google, but this time at least it’s not a new search update that will tank all our sites and send us into a frenzy! They are releasing a new tool called Google Analytics 360. They are saying it will be your all in one place for Data Management, On-Site Testing, Data Analysis and Visualization, tag management, and attribution.

It will also work with some third party software you can pay to add to suit your needs. It’s only in the beta phase right now, but Google has said they plan to phase out Adometry and Analytics Premium as this new tool takes off. The real question is…how many companies and marketers want to trust all their data to one person, and relay fully on google to measure everything for them.

Google is unwrapping a suite of products aimed at bringing simplicity to the often laborious work of unifying and syndicating marketing and advertising data across channels for large organizations. It’s not necessarily a novel effort — Oracle, Adobe, even Facebook’s Atlas are in this mix — but the suite’s native integrations with AdWords and DoubleClick make it particularly noteworthy for search marketers.

Cy SearsGoogle unveils Google Analytics 360 Suite with a new DMP, landing page testing tool and more