Why Now, More Than Ever, SEO Is Not Just About Google

What if I told you there was more than just google as a search engine? What if I told you that focusing on the others could drive your business to see more profits at a lower price? The world is a changing place and the big three of search engines aren’t the only ones in the game anymore who matter. As more and more people compete for space on google the harder it is for a business to stand out.

As digital marketers we need to start looking for other avenues to make our clients stand out and turn a profit. Duck Duck Go is one great avenue that is untapped and could be a huge player in the future of SEO as security becomes more important to people. Have you thought about diversifying where you push your content and rankings focus? If not how come? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comment area!

[Estimated read time: 4 minutes] SEO is not just about Google! Yes, that’s right, I genuinely mean this and I’m going to stick to my word. It’s common practice for SEOs to invest all their time and energies into just one search engine, but this is a limited approach. The truth is that SEOs need to investigate other strategies for generating traffic which don’t rely purely on Google. And to underline this point, I’m going to take a quick look at the current landscape and prove why this is an essential step for SEOs to take. In mid-February, after a few months of in-depth testing, Google finally released details on the 4 paid ads on top . And there’s one particularly keen insight that Dr. Pete has uncovered that you need to pay attention to. With 4 paid ads on top, Google is setting itself up in the enviable position of being able to control 80% of the results above the fold. This scenario raises many questions, but the most intriguing one concerns the effect it will have on the organic results CTR. For example, let’s quickly do a search on the religion of enlightenment, Buddhism. Can you see the 2nd or 3rd results? Hardly positive karma, isn’t it? The alternative search engine I could speak about the lurking potential hidden deep within Bing, but I’ve got nothing to add to the swathes of articles going over old ground. Instead, I want to take a sidestep from current SEO trends and focus on the fastest-growing search engine: DuckDuckGo. It’s a search engine which respects its users’ privacy and, as a result, is operating in a niche which taps into the current zeitgeist of security concerns. The world of Internet search is gradually changing from a trackable arena into a more private and anonymous realm, so DuckDuckGo find themselves first in line to exploit this new frontier of SEO opportunity. It’s an exciting rise and, as I covered recently , one that is threatening to frazzle the edges of SEO. As you can see here, in correlation to the increase of direct queries (more than 12 million per day), DuckDuckGo had more than 108 million visits in one month, which is an increase of 22% in their total traffic. And the sweetener with DuckDuckGo is that they have only one position on top for ads. Naturally, this sets up a […]

Cy SearsWhy Now, More Than Ever, SEO Is Not Just About Google