What Makes PROFESSIONAL Website Design Different?

The answer to this question is the detail and thought that goes into creating a professional website. The result of which, is a website that generates more leads and/or sales. And gives a more enjoyable and stable user experience through rigorous cross-browser and device testing. A professionally designed website is a custom designed website and is not developed from a cookie cutter template system. It is also built with marketing in mind. A professional website design should be followed up with a strong plan for internet marketing that includes SEM (SEO & PPC) and Social Media. It should also be integrated with tracking and include data analysis.

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As you read you will understand the amount of work and expertise that goes into making a truly PROFESSIONAL WEBSITE. There are a lot of details that your budget designers and template systems don’t or can’t cover. It is all to common that a client tells us that the previous company they worked with or considered working with “never even discussed most of the details we include into each and every website we develop.”

Professional Website Design Process

  • Professional Website Development and Planning

    Planning Your Professional Website

    We first have you complete our design brief. Then our team has a brain storming session with you to discuss and clarify the design brief and make suggestions we have.

  • Professional Website Development and Planning

    Create Wireframe, UI, and UX for the Website

    We do a complete wireframe and sitemap of the website. This builds your UI (user interface) that will give the ultimate UX (user experience). It also gives an outline for all content that will need to be obtained and/or created.

  • Professional Website Development and Planning

    Create Visual Mock-Up of Your Professional Website Design

    We do a visual mock-up of the different page levels and come up with the overall theme (e.g. color pallet, font sets, etc.). This will give you the overall look and feel of the website. Then we work through the graphics and/or images needed for all the static pages. We include stock images, if taken from our chosen stock collection.

  • Professional Website Development and Planning

    Coding the Website

    We code all static pages, page templates for blogs, news feeds, etc., and integrate any software that has been included in the project scope. For instance, if you had chosen an email subscription service for a newsletter, we would integrate the sign-up forms with it so the data is automatically entered into that system. We can recommend software for the application needed, or work with the software of your choice. This is also the step where we would start adding the scripts needed for the tracking events and organizing the tracking data to be palatable after the website goes live. If we are doing SEO, Social Media Management, or you have a Webmaster Service package, this data will all be available live 24-7 through our client dashboard (explained below).

  • Professional Website Development and Planning

    Professional Cross Browser Testing of Websites

    We don’t just let some third party software run tests (although included). We also have our staff internally test, test, and test some more to make sure your Professionally Designed Website works on all applicable devices and browsers, and that any third party software that we integrated is working correctly.

  • Professional Website Development and Planning

    Documentation and Client Training

    We include documentation for any ongoing work to be completed by your staff (e.g. adding articles and getting them categorized correctly, setting up user accounts, entering new products, creating new subscription levels, etc.) We go through the documentation with you or someone you appoint to be responsible for it to make sure the process is understood clearly and do any updating to the documentation that may be needed after the initial run through. Ongoing training is not included but is included with our Webmaster Services package (explained below).

  • Professional Website Development and Planning

    Website Launch

    If we are hosting your new Professionally Designed Website, we handle all aspects of the launch. If a third party is hosting it, 95% of the time we will handle the launch. But if we do not know who will be hosting the website once it is live, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to handle the full launch. We will make our best effort to support the launch, but it will depend on the level of access your hosting provider will give us to their server.

Enhance Your Website’s Performance

Client Dashboard

All clients with a Webmaster Services package, SEO, or Social Media package get a Client Dashboard. The dashboard gives them 24/7 access to all their most important KPI’s and more. We customize each clients dashboard to display the KPI’s that are most important to their goals. This is also where you will see your custom event tracking reported. Event tracking is the coding we do to your website that gives you the ability to track things such as button clicks, video plays, how long videos are played, etc. It can be added later, but to get the best results in the shortest amount of time you will want to track from the moment you go live so you can actively optimize your content and ux to get the results you want.

Client Dashboard for Real-time Tracking and Analytics Analysis
Webmaster Services for Your Professionally Designed Website

Webmaster Services for Your Professional Website

The webmaster services package gives you a set amount of a Webmaster’s time each month and are meant for ongoing support for things, such as: new technology issues that may arise, doing tasks that may normally be handled internally ie., creating new membership levels, adding new content or products, etc. Ongoing training can also be done with the Webmaster Services package. Rollover minutes are included in all Webmaster Services packages except for the Basic WMS package.

Cy SearsWhat Makes PROFESSIONAL Website Design Different?