Website Design You Can Afford

We all want to get perfect, reliable and amazing web design services and web development at a low cost.

Let’s face it, everyone wants to get the best website, but no one wants to pay tons of money for it. Lots of companies claim to have the lowest prices for web design, but once you start to shop around, you will find that a lot of these companies can’t compete and deliver a good quality, well designed website.

This is what has made our company stand out from other website design companies. Serious SEM works on a price structure that allows us to tackle any project and do it at a fair price point. We provide reliable, bug free and responsive websites at affordable rates, that small to medium sized business can afford; not just big corporations. In the world of design there are so many start-ups and freelancers who have ventured out on their own and offer low cost website design, but why work with untested companies when a veteran could be within reach? Serious SEM has been in the design field for the past 10 years; we have been successfully working in web, graphics, web development, direct mail and printing. Customers’ satisfaction is the secret of how we have lasted where many beginning designers have failed. We have clients from all walks of life, and industries. We value our customers and it is an honor for us that they are satisfied with our services, and continue to work with us 5 to 10 years later.

Why you should go with Serious SEM?

Team of Website Development Experts:

Clemont Mok said “Design, in its broadest sense, is the enabler of the digital era – it’s a process that creates order out of chaos, that renders technology usable to business. Design means being good, not just looking good.”  This is an issue many people don’t think about when hiring a website design company,  just because a person is good at making a website look good, doesn’t mean they will be good for your business. Serious SEM prides itself on offering you experts who don’t just make things look good, but also tackle the real issues of your website. We focus on building a website that gets you the results you want from your new new custom designed website.

We look at the user experience, the goals of your website, how people will interact with your content every moment they are on your website, and how to showcase not just the look but the soul of your company through the website. At Serious SEM, we are experienced professionals, who are all trained & educated website designers and developers who are innovative enough to deliver you exactly what you are looking for. We are not just designers and developers we are consultants, who can guide you in all technical and marketing aspects of the website design process.


Website Design:

We provide affordable website packages for all kinds of customers according to their budgets, because we know the importance of staying on budget. At Serious SEM, low cost doesn’t mean low quality, we never compromise on quality. There are lots of graphic and website design agencies claiming low cost work but when you go with them you feel that you just wasted your time and money because their services and work are “cheap” and “impersonal.” We hear about it all the time, how people dreamed of a unique and exciting experience for their website and all they got was a template someone downloaded and changed a few colors on for them.

Every website built by Serious SEM is built from scratch, with your business at the core of it. Why settle for website design that is low quality? Our website design process was built with small to large businesses in mind, and designed to scale with your needs; when we talk about affordability, we don’t compromise on quality.

We Deliver Websites Fast:

Everyone wants to get services and products in a short time, but to commonly this is at the expense of quality. When we start work on any project we give an estimated time to our clients. We never want any of our clients to feel like they are just another client, or that their website design project is never going to get done. We manage to do this by never taking on more website design projects than we can handle.  If you work with us, you can be rest assured you’re not just being added to the stack, but will be managed by a designer who is going to eat, breath, and live for your project till it is done. We deal professionally and honestly with every client, and help you through every step of the website design process. If you need website design work done, we would love to talk with you and get you on the road to finally having the website you always dreamed about.

Customers’ Satisfaction With Their Website Design:

We focus on relationship building with our customers and not just being your website company. We want to be your go to company to help you market and design your business future. We are honored that we have clients who work with us year after year. We want to help you build an affordable website that gives you all the features you want in a website, and help you design your dream while working to do it on a budget that won’t break the bank.

Cy SearsWebsite Design You Can Afford