What Kim Kardashian can teach your small business!

The world is getting more and more mobile every day! Because of this, businesses and how they design their digital marketing needs to work with and be designed to interact in a mobile world. And, a nice perk is that website design and web apps built for this mobile world can make you a lot of money!

Every day new mobile apps and mobile websites prove that a good concept, and an addicting feature or two, can bring people back over and over. Kim Kardashian’s mobile game has made $43 million so far since launching in late June last year, proving once again that life is not fair.

Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, a freemium game in the style of Candy Crush Saga, has earned more for Glu Mobile than all the company’s other apps combined, disclosed Glu Mobile in their third-quarter earnings report. So, what does this have to do with your small business? Everything! The same things that are done in this game, and many like it, can be built into your website and mobile experiences for your users.

Mobile apps are now being talked about or used in every field of business; industry and size are no longer factors, as technology expands it is giving businesses a chance to have equal footing. Almost every business now has a website, and if you don’t, your first step should be developing a website with a designer. But having a mobile or web app can only make your business more profitable if you approach it with a strong idea, and a hook to draw people to your business.

Apps as a Promotional Tool

Phones are no longer just for calling a business to learn about them. They are the way a large portion of people will connect and interact with your business. Most mobile users access the Internet on their smartphones and other mobile devices. Today, everything your website does can be done on a mobile platform. Many businesses now use their mobile to include commerce, trading and payment. That being the case, web apps has proved to be the very future of computing. Developing a web app and promoting it among your users is extremely beneficial to further your business, to promote new products and services, or find new ways to gain feedback and stay on their mind.

Earning with Your App

Many small businesses try to avoid designing apps or mobile websites for their business for fear of over spending and not getting any return, which would ultimately break their budget. It is true that mobile app design can turn out to be an expensive investment, but this is certainly not always the case. Going in for a basic app, and not going for the next candy crush off the bat, will bring down your cost. You can also reduce the cost by planning your app well in advance and bringing a strong idea to the table. And, when working an idea out, either by you or with a designer, be sure to keep in mind you want to build for the now, but leave room for the future. By not keeping the future in mind this could mean a whole redesign from the ground up, and that would add a lot of extra cost.

Once your app has been created, you can think of making money on it, in app advertising and other methods.

Reaching Many More Customers

The biggest advantage of a website design along with an app design is it gives you a way to reach many more customers. And given the viral nature of apps, they hold the chance to reach even more people than a traditional website does. If your target market is a younger one, you need to be mobile even more so, as mobile for many is now their main source of searching for anything. The reach of mobile takes you from word of mouth to a global reach! A simple search can bring you in front of people who may have never seen or heard of you before, and this is a great way to expand your client base. Additionally, integrating major social networks with your app furthers the scope and reach of your business.

Showcasing Your Products and Services

You can use your app as a tool to showcase your products and services. Users visiting your app would then have instant, one-stop access to you, allowing you to quickly share new updates and products with them, and a way to offer special discounts.

Partnering with Other Services

Getting into partnerships with other companies that your industry intersects with helps you piggyback on their success, thereby bringing more customers to you. This can work as a good way for you to get more exposure and profit by having an ad-exchange among yourselves to drive more traffic and business to everyone.

Mobile-Friendly Websites

Companies that are still not very interested in developing web apps should alternatively consider creating mobile-friendly websites, which would work out well within their budget. You will need to be engaging and relevant to both old and new customers alike. And many new websites can be used on most mobile devices. So even just re-structuring your old website can help you reach new people.

Wrapping Up

The mobile market is exploding right now; it is most advisable for any and every business to develop web apps to promote their products and services. Mobile is indeed the way all communication is headed today, therefore, embracing this technology is guaranteed to produce the right results for your business in the long run.

Cy SearsWhat Kim Kardashian can teach your small business!