10 Characteristics of a Content Hacker

found this awesome infographic to share with you all today! It looks at growth hacker and compares it to a content marketer built for growth and what is best for business. It’s a pretty cool take on it all, and would love to know if you all agree or disagree with it! Leave a comment and let me know where you think you, you fall on this chart!

You’ve probably heard of a "growth hacker" — someone who uses creativity, analytical thinking, and social metrics to help their products or services gain exposure. The methods behind growth hacking are a little bit scrappy, and they’re totally focused on end results. So what’s a content growth hacker, then? A content hacker, according to the folks at CoSchedule, combines their content marketing skills with the growth hacking mindset. Content hacking is helpful if you want to increase your blog traffic, grow your subscriber base, see your posts get shared more on social media, and so on. To dig into what content hacking is in more depth, Check out the infographic below from CoSchedule to dig into what content hacking is, along with a few, helpful content hacks to get you started.

Cy Sears10 Characteristics of a Content Hacker