Snapchat is Growing Up

Snap-Chat is not for every business. Its’ user base is on the younger side of 15 to 25 year olds. But if that’s a demographic your company caters to, then you need to be on Snap-Chat! While some see the self-destructive nature of Snap-Chat to be a downside to the app. If you’re rolling out

Phrases You Should Never Use

How many times have you seen a social media post from a company and you just go “wow they are trying to hard!” It happens pretty often the more then I would like to admit too, and I’m sure even I have sinned and used a phrase in social media I shouldn’t have to get

The Unwritten Rules of Social Media

Social media is hard! It’s not all cat videos and puppies, sometimes it’s a pain and requires alot of investment from you and your company for it to really work. The goal of social media should be all about providing value to your target audience. There are no real shortcuts. In building your social profiles,

How Google’s AMP Will Influence Your Marketing

Mobile isn’t the future anymore it’s the now. And more and more when a website is being designed and marketing is being looked at, it comes down a lot of time is spent looking at the impact mobile will have on it. And as companies work towards better ways to speed up and present on

Leveraging social media for local SEO

Social networks can be difficult to integrate into a local brand SEO strategy. However, with careful thought, you might find an interesting and engaging way to use such platforms to further your conversion goals. Some platforms are built for local and can be used to drive more local traffic to your site, and supply a

User-Generated Video Content Ups Your Credibility

Have you thought about adding video to your marketing? What about the idea of your users and clients making the video for you? Video can be very impactful, and is a great way to turn what could be a boring section of your site into something fresh and exciting for your visitors. Why have people

How Google’s AMP Will Influence You

Google is going all in on mobile! And AMPed pages are going to be a big thing your going to have to start thinking about very soon. The fast loading, stripped down pages are made to make mobile websites load faster and be easier to read on small devices. With the landscape always changeing, and

How to Build a Content Conversion Funnel

You get inbound traffic from a ton of sources online. The question is what to do with it once they are there? When you create a piece of content, you need to think past someone just reading it. You need to build next steps from them.