Why it’s harming your link dev efforts

With all the available metrics provided by the amazingly helpful SEO tools that we have today, it’s easy to get a quick read on potential link-building prospects. However, you know you have a problem with metrics blindness when you do the following: You immediately pursue a link on a site based on its metrics. You

SMM Strategies for Startups

Money shouldn’t limit your marketing efforts, especially since growth in the early stages of startup life is so essential. There are lots of organic, effective, and free or cheap methods of reaching your audience on social media that you can turn to accelerate your growth. If your business is just starting out, social media is

As search changes, Google changes

Search is changing, it’s an ever evolving organism at this point and time. Searching means utilizing a wide range of interfaces, including GPS devices, wearables, smart objects such as Amazon Echo and operating systems such as iOS and Android. Oh, and we’re not just lounging on our sofas at home when we search. We’re searching

Organic CTR & SEO Rankings

CTR and SERPs have always had a love hate relationship. Some people will tell you they don’t connect, others say they do, some say yes and no all at once. But as Google switches to focus more on good content, and improved user experience as factors for your rank. Then number of clicks would naturally

How to Use Twitter Retargeting Ads to Generate More Customers

In this age of marketing , it’s all about lead nurturing, meeting a client at some point in their buyer journey and helping them find the information they need and show them you’re at their side so when they are ready to buy you’re the one they will buy from. The most common way to

Don’t trust Google to structure your local data

Google’s local answer boxes can be a great help when you searching. But they can also confuse people and have them skip over your site. Google doesn’t always grab the best information by default to display. As the article shows when doing a search for apartments it gives you a smart answer box but instead

How to Successfully Promote Instagram

So you took an awesome photo. And you know it rocks…but now you need people to see it, comment on it, share it, and then keep you in mind the next time they want the awesome product or service you just took a photo of. But how do you go from the annoying business on

Develop free, lightweight attribution insights

When you are running paid ad’s alongside your organic results, it’s a great idea to keep your organic and paid listings to have a consistent branding across them. By managing this and keeping a close eye on it you can reduce ad spend and also increase the number of clicks your organic search gets over

What they don’t tell you about SEO

If there is one thing that working in SEO has taught me, it’s that people seriously understate the resources and time needed to market their business online. Before you even jump into content making, link building, and driving traffic to your site through social media you first have a lot of research that goes into

Big Changes Coming to Facebook

It’s that time of year again. Facebook is about to have its 8th conference going over the future of Facebook, and if it’s anything like last years…we are in for big changes! Last year we learned about the New Messenger Platform for Developers, Allowing Users to Connect Directly with Businesses on Messenger, Support of 360