8 Steps to Hire the Right Website Design Company

Your website is your online store front. Even if you have a brick and morter store, the goal of your website is to draw in and get you more customers and sales. But so many people have websites that don’t do what they want, or are currently working with a website design company and don’t

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) – Nashville

A lot of small business have become burnt out when it comes to SEO and SEM. This issue is not just here in Nashville. We talk to people all across the country and we here horror stories of how they paid thousands of dollars and got so few conversions, or how they had no idea what was being done, or why anything that was done in the first place. It has made many small business owners in Nashville and around the country feel like people who sell SEO and SEM are selling snake oil to them.

Websites for Law Firms

“Growing up, I always wanted to be somebody, but I see now that I should have been more specific.” – Lily Tomlin For some reason law firms seem to skip over their websites when thinking about digital marketing. Many law firms are missing a huge chance to set themselves apart from the other lawyers in

Website Design You Can Afford

We all want to get perfect, reliable and amazing web design services and web development at a low cost. Let’s face it, everyone wants to get the best website, but no one wants to pay tons of money for it. Lots of companies claim to have the lowest prices for web design, but once you

6 Ways To Make More Money Online!

1. It’s vital to show off your products in a manner that looks appealing and attractive to your customers. The use of E-Commerce with high resolution photos coupled with concise descriptions will help make a great impression! Call us today at Serious Inc.; we are proficient in internet marketing, website design, website redesign, and using

6 Ways to Spruce up your Website Design

1. Website development must optimize for mobile use! These days everyone is on the go and if your current website design doesn’t look good or is not responsive on a phone or tablet, you WILL be missing out on customers who are on the go and using mobile devices. Fortunately, you are in luck and

Good UX Leads To Better Website Design

Think about the websites you use every day or at least every week. Now think about some of the sites you visited and then left right away. How much of the content on each page was relevant to you and your interests? How hard was it to find the information that you were looking for?